Registering a business name in Australia
Updated: 3 December 2019
Your business name is the name you call your business when you carry on your business in Australia.
And it’s the name that appears on your website or your shop front.
You’ll need to register a business name if you run your business under a name other than your own.
Australian Securities and Investment Commission
You’ll register your business name with ASIC. And this step allows you to use your business name in any state or territory in Australia.
Business name vs company
And a business name is just that, it does not have its own legal personality and it's not a company.
On the other hand, a company is a separate legal entity. I wrote about this here.
Intellectual property protection
Registering a business name does not provide you with intellectual property protection but it is mandatory.
You can apply for a trademark if you want to protect your business name on the IP Australia website.
Business name renewal
Finally, you’ll need to renew your business name either yearly or every 3 years.
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