Photo by Annie Spratt on UnsplashLegal work for expanding a solo director company in AustraliaUpdated: 2 December 2019Knowing the legal work involved for expanding your solo director company helps you manage legal risk. I'll explain the legals you'll need to expand and why, in the order of mandatory to recommended to help you manage

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Photo by Kirsty TG on UnsplashWhich address should I use for an Australian company?Updated: 4 December 2019When you prepare your company application form, you’ll find a few questions about your business address.Below is an explanation of what you need to know when answering those questionsWhat’s the difference between all the address types?Virtual address The

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Photo by Henrique Félix on UnsplashLegal status of a company vs a business name in AustraliaUpdated: 5 December 2019When you're setting up a business structure you will likely hear the phrase ‘a company has its own legal personality’, particularly when you read about different business structures in Australia.So what exactly does legal personality

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Photo by Kieron Mannix on UnsplashSelecting, using and changing an Australian company nameUpdated: 7 December 2019Here are the rules you need to know about to select, use or change an Australian private company name.In a rush, jump ahead!When a name won’t be available unless it’s:identical to a name that’s reserved or registered; or identical

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Photo by Liam Pozz on UnsplashWhy the company structure is most popular in AustraliaUpdated: 7 December 2019There are 4 business structures to choose from in Australia, these are the sole trader, company, partnership and trust structures. Amongst these, the company is by far the most popular in Australia followed by sole trader, partnership and

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A practical guide to looking up an Australian business online: ABN and ASIC lookup tipsUpdated: 8 December 2019Knowing how to look up an Australian business online is an important skill.A company is a legal entity, it can sue and be sued, but you can't sue a business name. And if you

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